Going farther down the rabbit hole than a simple YT Video will allow

Happy Little Node Trees

Greg Enright Greg Enright

Simulating Film Stock Dye Sensitivities Pt 3.1

In pursuit of a better way to mimic the qualities of film stocks, some brilliant guys by the name of Thatcher Freeman and Troy from The Hitchhikers Guide to Colour developed an initial DCTL called the Dye Simulator. I’ve spent countless… I’d say 60+ hours trying to figure out how best to incorporate this into a node tree. Below are my findings…

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Greg Enright Greg Enright

The Importance of DRT Choice

Your DRT Choice is your first and most important choice when it comes to color grading. How you get to your display space or your monitor will dictate everything you do underneath it. This is from a four-part series looking at Contour by Cullen Kelly, a Look Dev OFX plugin that is DRT dependent.

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